Corporate Social Responsibility

You can only improve what you measure… And we do! We are an EcoVadis Platinum-rated company, positioning us within the top 1% of organizations recognized for their outstanding performance in terms of Environment, Ethics, Sustainable procurement and Labor & Human Rights.

IPACKCHEM’s commitments to international declarations and conventions are included in the principles that the company endorses.

IPACKCHEM acting through its employees and directors will:

Business Ethics Program

In 2017, the Business Ethics Program was revised to expand the scope of our ethical behavior principles to all in our value chain. The Business Ethics Program is a common reference document for all our managers and employees around the world as well as for all our different stakeholders: customers, suppliers, contractors, host countries, local communities, business partners and shareholders. Our business partners are expected to apply standards that are equivalent to ours, particularly in regards to their employees.